Event Coordinator Marley Majcher’s Pick for Goddess of the Week – Rachel Abroms!
This week, event coordinator Marley Majcher’s featured Goddess of the Week is jewelry designer Rachel Abrom!
Rachel began her career in the entertainment business, casting for both Broadway shows and feature films. However, in the late 1990s, Rachel played around with designing jewelry as a means of relaxation. It was only when people kept coming up to her, offering to buy her beaded vintage bracelets right off her wrists, that Rachel knew this was an area of her life that needed exploration.
With celebrities such as Debra Messing, Eva Mendes and Jessica Biehl adorning Rachel Abroms’ designs … you, too, will find a special piece that touches your heart.
See our favorite question Rachel answered in her Goddess of the Week Q&A below!
Let’s be honest. There’s at least ONE trait the opposite sex has that we find annoying so we asked Rachel what she thought. Her responce, “Smelly armpits.” Gross! Learn more fun facts about Rachel below!
Who would YOU nominate next week?
Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
P.S. Can’t get enough Goddess of the Week?
Check out Jen O’Sullivan and LeAnna Campbell Azzolini!
The post Event Coordinator’s Goddess Of The Week – Rachel Abrom! appeared first on The Party Goddess.